On Generosity
Volume 23 Number 6 of Performance Research

When we started the Foodways projects, it was with a conscious intention to turn our focus to a medium, food, that we’d already used in many projects, to really try and study it. We decided in 2017 that we should also examine another attribute many have remarked on in our work--Generosity.
But while we like to think our work is generous, we were a bit at a loss in trying to imagine art projects that would be about generosity. So we decided to ask a lot of smart people what they thought about the topic. To launch our investigation into generosity we edited a themed issue of the journal Performance Research, jurying its contents from an international call for contributions. Topics range from performance art, musical theatre, visual art, to economics, politics and philanthropy. Within the volume, Spatula&Barcode also curated a “Cabinet of Generosities'' to showcase the work of more than a dozen contemporary artists who explore this theme.
You can access the full volume here.
The spectacular cover was designed by Jeannine Shinoda as part of her project showcased within.